I'm going to be using the Debbie Diller workstations, LA and math this year. I have a 1/2 day kindergarten class, and not enough time to do two separate station times so I am going to blend them and have 4 math stations and at the same time 4 LA stations running. I made this work station chart using the station labels from
Primary Graffiti.
Like my cohort, I made a version of a back to school teacher gift using the cricut, vinyl, and my Target dollar spot find. I hope my daughter's new teacher enjoys her new treat!
If I was your daughter's teacher I would love the treat!! I love my Cricut, too!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are my FIRST half day kindergarten blogger I've found. My first that is also doing DD stations/centers! Your idea of doing half literacy and half math going on at the same time is BRILLIANT!!! My brain is now zipping with this possibility! YEA! Thanks so much!!!! I never would have thought of that all on my own. There is only so much that can get done in 2.5 hours.... Question: How will you pull back for mini-lessons when half is doing literacy and half math? Will you mix up the lessons?
I work with groups on math one day and literacy the next day! Hope that helps!
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